Dryer Vent Cleaning
Dryer Vent Cleaning, Repair & Installation
A+ AIR SERVICES performs hundreds of commercial & residential dryer vent cleanings each year. Our experienced technicians will identify why your dryer vent is not venting correctly. In most instances a dryer vent simply needs a periodic cleaning, however in other instances the dryer vent is not installed correctly and maybe in need of repair. A+ AIR SERVICES trucks are fully equipped with the most advanced cleaning machinery and tools, as well as completely stocked with almost any dryer vent accessory imaginable.
The A+ AIR SERVICES cleaning process employs the latest power vacuum technology and air powered reverse flow jetters that propel air at a tremendous force to thoroughly clean your dryer vent system, end to end. Lint is removed by the reverse flow jetters and collected by a very large diameter vacuum hose to ensure that no messes are made in your laundry room. Alternatively, the technician may elect to clean from the outside at the dryer vent hood, if cleaning from the outside is determined to be more advantageous over cleaning from the inside. Your experienced A+ AIR SERVICES technician will know which cleaning approach will yield the best cleaning result for your home or structure’s particular dryer vent configuration. As a licensed HVAC contractor, A+ AIR SERVICES has the know how to build your dryer vent from scratch, complying to all international and local building codes to ensure that your dryer vent operates normal and safely. Building, repairing and cleaning dryer vents is a normal day-to-day operation for your A+ AIR SERVICES service technician. When another outfit claims that the job is impossible, that is when you know that it is time to call the professionals at A+ AIR SERVICES to make the impossible – possible!
4 Reasons to Have Your Dryer Vent Cleaned:
1. Clogged vents restrict the airflow to your dryer. Have you ever noticed that your clothes might take two or more cycles to dry? One reason for this might be that your dryer vent is clogged with lint and other debris. Removing the contaminants will allow the air to circulate and properly dry your clothes in one cycle, saving you money on your energy bills.
2. Debris in dryer vents is a serious fire hazard. Each year in the U.S., clogged dryer vents are responsible for 15,500 fires and $50 million in damage, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Fires can occuur when lint builds up in the dryer or in the exhaust duct. Lint can block the flow of air, cause excessive heat build-up, and result in a fire in some dryers. To protect your family from the hazards of a fire, dryer vents should be cleaned to remove lint, dust and other debris that accumulates in the vent line.
3. A clean dryer vent will allow the dryer to run more efficiently. Imagine placing a week’s worth of garbage under the hood of your car. Can you imagine how your car would run? The same is true of your dryer vent. Every time you run your dryer, lint and debris makes it way through your dryer and becomes lodged in your dryer vent. And just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact, what you can’t see is what should concern you. One of our clients said she purchased three dryers in five years because they would continually fail to run. Once she discovered that cleaning the dryer vent would unclog the airflow of her dryer, her system run more efficiently.
4. Bird / bug / animal nest removal.
· A+ AIR SERVICES is a state licensed contractor
· Trucks are equipped with the most advanced cleaning machinery & tools
· Competitive pricing
· Cleanings are performed fairly quickly
· A+ AIR SERVICES technicians possess strong HVAC technical backgrounds
· A+ AIR SERVICES technicians are paid by the hour and not by commission
· Dryer vent is thoroughly cleaned and inspected
· Dryer vent inspection form is presented to indicate any design flaws that can cause any further problems