Our sanitation solutions

We mainly use 2 types of disinfection solutions to help fight the viruses:

1. Sporicidin Disinfectant Solution

EPA-registered Bactericide, Fungicide, Virucide (both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses) and Tuberculocide.

Since 1978, Sporicidin® brand disinfectant products have been used for infection and contamination control by hospitals, medical/dental offices, veterinary clinics, and restoration professionals. Invented by the dentist that created Chloraseptic® Sore Throat Spray, Sporicidin® disinfectants utilize the same active ingredient system.  Sporicidin® disinfectants not only kill disease-causing microbes, they also continue to keep odor-causing bacteria away for as long as six months, if not removed from the surface.  When it comes to safety, Sporicidin® disinfectants have EPA toxicity ratings of Category IV – Very Low acute oral, acute dermal, acute inhalation, and skin irritation.  Category IV – Very Low Toxicity is the lowest toxicity rating given to antimicrobials.  So, whether you are cleaning up a trauma scene, a MRSA contamination, or a simple sewage backflow, Sporicidin® Brand products are the right choice!

  • EPA-registered Bactericide, Fungicide, Virucide (both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses) and Tuberculocide
  • 100% OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standards compliant
  • Disinfects, cleans and deodorizes
  • Provides residual protection against odor-causing organisms and fungi
  • 1 gallon bottle, 2.5 gallon jug, 55 gallon drum and 1 quart spray bottles

2. Bio-Cide’s EnviroCON®

For HVAC and Living Spaces

Bio-Cide’s EnviroCON® product is highly effective in eliminating odor-causing microorganisms as well as those associated with mold, mildew and bacterial growth. As the industry leader in chlorine dioxide technology, Bio-Cide International has developed and patented numerous applications directed at controlling microorganisms. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful antimicrobial compound effective against a broad range of both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms as well as yeasts and molds.

A point of contact application, EnviroCON® eliminates odors at their source through a chlorine dioxide release-process that destroys organisms at the origin. EnviroCON® uses no perfumes or masking agents.

EnviroCON® is an EPA registered, ready to use, safe, low toxicity formulation that inhibits the growth of odor causing organisms as well as those organisms associated with mold, mildew and bacterial growth in the air and in HVAC systems.

An enhanced benefit of EnviroCON® is its low toxicity and safety rating from the EPA. As a result, EnviroCON® may be used in occupied spaces. EnviroCON® does not use any environmentally damaging propellants or flammable ingredients.

Use EnviroCON® as a part of a regularly scheduled maintenance plan to ensure fresh clean air.

For bacteria, mold, mildew, fungi and algae, there is not an easier, safer or more effective product on the market.


  • EPA registered
  • Point-of-contact microbial control
  • Safe – easy to use
  • Does not cover up odors; it eliminates the source of the odor through a chlorine dioxide release process that destroys organisms at the origin
  • Does not contain perfumes, masking agents, or alcohol
  • Does not contain Phenols, Chlorine or Bromodiols
  • No evacuation required
  • No harmful chemical residue
  • No rinsing required
  • No respirator required
  • No environmentally damaging propellants or flammable ingredients
  • Lowest EPA Toxicity & Safety rating
  • Easy to apply
  • Ready to use (no mixing required)
